Country/Date: Switzerland/Malaysia, January to September 2019
Partner: Partnerships Resource Centre/Erasmus University, UNHCR

Meeting UNHCR Springfactor

(picture: Meeting with refugee community leaders, speaking about education and work for Rohingya and Chin from Myanmar, and Pakistan and Yemen refugees)

SpringFactor’s Marije Balt was part of a team of PrC researchers, together with researchers of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, who support UNHCR in their organizational learning of working with the private sector in operational partnerships in order to better address the protection, assistance and solution needs of refugees and asylum seekers, returnees and stateless people. The purpose of this project is to enhance UNHCR’s future engagements with the private sector in operational partnerships. Therefore, we will (1) review and analyse the types of engagements UNHCR has from 2014 – 2018, as well as to undertake an literature review and a benchmark exercise; both off which will surface effective practices on private sector engagement and elicit lessons learned and (2) identify core strategic pathways and opportunities for more effective private sector engagement in the future for UNHCR.

Based on case studies of different engagement approaches used by UNHCR we will look at how these partnerships have improved UNHCR’s ability to deliver protection and solutions for refugees. For these studies we will travel to different countries and regions where UNHCR has field operations. (source: Partnerships Resource Centre)

Please find below the final report, published in December 2019 by UNHCR, in collaboration with Geneva University and Erasmus University (Rotterdam).

Evaluation of UNHCR’s Private Sector Engagement