News & views
In our blog we share challenging reflections on current developments, such as youth and education, migration and refugees and SDGs and partnerships.
Simulation on the Sahel
We develop simulations, based on our professional experience with complex issues. This simulation was set in a conflict zone for the course Politics of Peace...
Teaching Frontline Diplomacy
It was on a windy, grey morning when I saw the light. I had dragged myself out of bed, not ready for another day of paper-pushing at the ministry. Fortunately, my boss allowed me to do a guest lecture at the Free University (VU) of Amsterdam.
An entire generation on the waiting list
In 2050, a third of all young people will come from Africa. The question is whether there will be jobs for them all...
Looking at the role of the Dutch Government in SDG partnerships
The Dutch government reckons it is on the right track to meaningfully contribute to the SDGs. But questions on how...
Engaging governments on the SDGs for the next generation
Being young in Busia is tough. In one of the poorest regions of Kenya, bordering Uganda, open defecation is a problem...
Business as usual? Partnering with governments in Africa
Suppose you are working in a public-private partnership (PPP) in Kenya. To promote food security, you need access...
Europe’s quick fix deals can undermine young Africans and spur them to leave
Africa’s youth will take center stage at the EU-Africa Summit this week. For Europeans, the most important outcome is migration deals with Africa.
Do’s and don’ts of working with governments in Africa
To work with governments in order to achieve transformational change is a generally agreed ‘do’ ...
In the office or under the trees? The reality of working with public partners in Northern Ghana
How to effectively work with public partners in a public private partnership (PPP)? An interesting case is the partnership of IWAD Ghana Ltd*, supported by the Dutch Government Sustainable Water Fund.
The EU and Africa: a deal set to push more young people on to the boats
This scoping study identifies synergies between business and development actors in how to promote stability through employment creation...
Looking for a future: African youth on the move
The debate on the challenges in addressing African youth migration is hampered by ongoing dramas in the Mediterranean Sea...
Looking for greener pastures: African youth and their future jobs
Migration is at the top of the EU’s agenda. While a significant percentage are from the Middle East, the number of migrants from the African continent is also rising. Many African youth first move from rural to urban areas...
Youth unemployment in Mali: a magnet for criminals and terrorists
Addressing youth unemployment has become increasingly urgent in the face of a deteriorating security situation where criminal and radical groups have penetrated many parts of Mali...
Business and human rights in fragile states: 2 dilemmas and 2 opportunities
Implementation of global standards on human rights is hard in fragile states as they are not tailored to the specific complex contexts...
Benghazi Women Activists
In October 2012, just after the attacks on the American consulate and the murder of the American ambassador...
Mali vergt meer dan militaire strijd
Vergroot de economische kansen van Mali's jongeren. Dat neemt de extremisten een troef uit handen. Terroristen en criminelen hebben een feilloos...
Practical Peace: A Manual / mijn 5 kersttips voor minder conflict in de wereld
On behalf of Upact and UNOY thanks for joining the 'Uniting Youth for Peace' event; happy to see such a young audience...
Europe s bold ride to stabilise Mali
On May 15, the EU will organise a donors conference on Mali, three weeks after the UN decision to deploy a robust military mission...