Our project development services are built on lessons learnt from nearly 20 years of peacebuilding, both in policy and practice. We develop projects in complex environments and use our extensive networks to match your organisation to the right partners in the field.
Strategy Paper: Delivering on the promise of transformational change: What does it take for Dutch-supported PPPs?
The Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has commissioned this exploratory....
Nuffic’s Orange Knowledge Programme: Member Advisory Board
Marije Balt joined the Advisory Board of the Orange Knowledge Programme funded by the Dutch government for a period of 5 years...
Animation on Working with Governments
This animation assists public private partnerships in working with governments...
Atlantisch Perspectief: essay over migratie door Marije Balt
EU migrati [...]
Tool Partnering with Governments for SDGs
Marije Balt reflects on how PPP experts see the added value of the tool...
Evaluation Ivory Coast & EU cooperation programme
The DG for Development Co-operation of the EU (DEVCO) requested a strategic evaluation of its programmes during and after conflict
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youth entrepreneurship in Africa